Tone Indicator Masterlist

/aoan order
/ava vent
/ayat you
/c or /cpcopypasta
/co or /cfcomforting
/g or /gengenuine
/gq or/ genqgenuine question
/gs or /gensgenuine suggestion
/hjhalf joking
/ijinside joke
/jkjust kidding
/jwjust wondering
/l or /ly or /lyrlyrics
/lulittle upset
/nabrnot a brag
/nafxnot a flex
/naonot an order
/naqnot a question
/navnot a vent
/naynot at you
/nbhnobody here
/nbrnot being rude
/nc or /negnegative connotation
/neuneutral connotation
/nfnot fake
/nflnot flirting
/nftanot forced to answer
/nmnot mad
/nmaynot mad at you
/npanot passive aggressive
/nsnot sad
/nsbnot subtweeting
/nsrsnot serious
/nsx or /nsnonsexual/not sexual intent
/nttbrnot trying to be rude
/nynot yelling
/otoff topic
/papassive aggressive
/pc or pospositive connotation
/rt or /rhrhetorical question
/s or /sarcsarcastic
/sbhsomebody here
/st or /statestatement
/sx or /xsexual intent
/tsto self
/vuvery upset

This list will be updated when I can get to it. If you have any tone indicators I missed or new indicators, please contact me!
